Monday, March 30, 2015
3 more weeks!!
Yep, only 3 more weeks until we hit the road! Hard to believe this is actually happening here as we have talked, planned, dreamed it for sooooo long! We were gonna do this 8 yrs. ago which is why we bought the 5th wheel, but then gas prices shot thru the roof and his dad needed we been sitting here. It is ezy to get complacent ya know?! Very apprehensive but sooo excited at the same going wayyyy outside my comfort zone here and I am positive it is just what I need!! Ol' Charlie dog is another story....he loves his rides in the truck and he lets you know when he has to go too lol. We took off the tailgate on the truck and put on one of those tailgate cargo nets and it is so much easier for him to jump up in there and finally after almost 5 yrs., he is learning to mind us ahahaha!! Have made lists of stuff to move out to the camper, but can't do most of it until the day before or the morning before we leave! Hell I am having trouble deciding weather to take the crock pot or not lolol! Last week we had to wasp proof the new camper, so it is little things like that that most people don't think of the need to do, kwim? It is very different living in something like this and we have to be on top of the weather, winds, insects, maintenance and stuff like that, but it doesn't take long to clean it and I like that!! Anywho just thought I would give ya'll an update...thx so much for listening! Blessings......
Monday, March 23, 2015
Thoughts, tidbits & more.... let's see, 4 weeks from today, we will be on da road!!! OMG!! OMG!!! OMG!!! The excitement is building to where I am not sure I can contain myself LOL. I was informed by some very good friends AND hubby that the way I was looking at it could jinx it all...about being just a bit skeered that it wasn't going to happen, so I haven't allowed myself to be happy, etc. about it until we were actually on the road...well wrongo!!! Hubby said this morning the only thing that will stop us is if he gets hurt at work & of course that ain't gonna happen, so say all positive affirmations & prayers he stays safe all, okee??!!! thx soo much! So my list of stuff to take is getting bigger, but the stuff moving into the camper as not LOL. Most stuff I can't move in until the day before OR the morning of. Will be moving in as much stuff as possible tho. I do have to clean it up before, don't wanna move into a dirty dusty 'new' home now do we??!!!
I have got to say this & it is gonna piss some people off, but I have to get it off my chest....I understand now why so many people sell YL essential oils, cuz you don't have to know anything about essential just order what the customer wants & go by what YL sez about their products...ahhhhh more blind sheeples!!!! When one gets certified in aromatherapy, they learn & know which e.o.'s are good for what & they well, just know!!! Irritates the hell outta me!!! And another thing long as I am bitchin say you care, but yet you can't be happy for me/us because we will finally have the freedom we have been searching for so long. You are so wrapped up in your own life, the hell with anybody else & long as I do what you want me to do all is great...but what about my life, me???!!!!! I am in the crone years of my life & it's about damn time I did for ME and if you can't handle it or don't like it, you don't have to participate in my life!!! Whew...not exactly what I wanted to say, but it will do LOL.
Onward & upwards.....hubby found out the other day there were gonna be over 100 people at this community dig. Some of you may not know what that is, so here's the jist of it...all these people get together at certain places, certain times of the year & they ALL work to find as much gold as they all can, then it is divided up between ALL the workers when all is said & done! Sounds kewl huh??? Potlucks, campfire stories, etc. is all included in this and it is for 5 days. So we are sure to find some during this time, plus they bring in all kinds of big eqpt. that they don't normally allow. This is all at a old west ghost town they have set up & running. Doesn't all that sounds like sooo much fun??!!!!
Ok, I think I am done for now. Pretty soon I will have to do all this on my I-pad, now that is gonna be interesting for sure!! Peace & blessings to all....
I have got to say this & it is gonna piss some people off, but I have to get it off my chest....I understand now why so many people sell YL essential oils, cuz you don't have to know anything about essential just order what the customer wants & go by what YL sez about their products...ahhhhh more blind sheeples!!!! When one gets certified in aromatherapy, they learn & know which e.o.'s are good for what & they well, just know!!! Irritates the hell outta me!!! And another thing long as I am bitchin say you care, but yet you can't be happy for me/us because we will finally have the freedom we have been searching for so long. You are so wrapped up in your own life, the hell with anybody else & long as I do what you want me to do all is great...but what about my life, me???!!!!! I am in the crone years of my life & it's about damn time I did for ME and if you can't handle it or don't like it, you don't have to participate in my life!!! Whew...not exactly what I wanted to say, but it will do LOL.
Onward & upwards.....hubby found out the other day there were gonna be over 100 people at this community dig. Some of you may not know what that is, so here's the jist of it...all these people get together at certain places, certain times of the year & they ALL work to find as much gold as they all can, then it is divided up between ALL the workers when all is said & done! Sounds kewl huh??? Potlucks, campfire stories, etc. is all included in this and it is for 5 days. So we are sure to find some during this time, plus they bring in all kinds of big eqpt. that they don't normally allow. This is all at a old west ghost town they have set up & running. Doesn't all that sounds like sooo much fun??!!!!
Ok, I think I am done for now. Pretty soon I will have to do all this on my I-pad, now that is gonna be interesting for sure!! Peace & blessings to all....
Monday, March 16, 2015
Not as ezy as u might think.....
So YES, chompin at the bit to get out on the road here!!!! But deciding what to take & what not to take is not always that easy. We might not even come back, we don't know yet as nothing is written in stone & because we don't have too if we don't wanna!!! So going thru things lately & having to downsize yet more than I already have living in a 5th wheel just gets very confusing sometimes. Over time one accumulates things, there is no way around that & I have grown quite attached to a couple of my 'things'....granted they are ONLY things and in the grand scheme of things they don't really matter, maybe I should just give them all away like the Native Americans do...again, just not sure! Back to packing the camper, granted it IS bigger than the one we live in now, but we have to be very careful about how much weight we pack as that is a big factor! Our older f150 will only pull so much without stressing out the engine & one thing we don't wanna do is have to buy another truck, cuz we just can't afford that!! So most everything I pack has to have multiple uses. Can't pack ALL my music & ALL our movies, cuz then, well you know... Our movie collection is one of our habits we just can't stop LOL. So with more room in the new camper it makes me think, oh sure I have room for that...but oh wait, what about the weight of said stuff??!!! So yes it really isn't as easy as one might think. What if we are out there & dangit if we didn't need this or that that I should have packed & my gut told me to, but alas the weight issue I did not!!! Did you follow that??? The nicer the weather gets, the more I am ready to hit that road...but not yet, cuz budgets are aleady fixed according to hubby's job....grrr!!! He was blessed in the fact they actually gave him all the "vacation" time he asked for...surprise surprise! A lot of stuff I can't even pack or take over there until like the day before or the morning before we so much for pre-paring huh??!!! As I stated's not as ezy as you might think!!! Later all....blessings!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Not yet....
Western deserts, here we come!!
Now this new camper of ours has to be one of the fanciest things I have seen in a long time. We are so used to our 'fallin' apart 5th wheel, that walking into this for the first time just made my heart go pitty pat!!! Seems weird not to have to go up steps to go to bed, but it sure is alot easier on my ol' hips. It is about 7' longer than our old one and so much more room in it, I am having trouble figuring out where to put stuff LOL!! It isn't brand new, but the previous owner barely used it & it is new to us after all & it is a 2012! Here's a pic of it while still on the lot before we picked it up. I will show more inside pics later on.
So on Monday, April 20 we will be heading out to Stanton, AZ!!! We are giving ourselves a week to get there as you have to be there a day early for this community dig we are participating in. However many people do the work is how all the gold, etc. is split up and so far there are 85 people signed up. So all the gold will be split up 85 ways, but with that many people doing all that work, there should be a nice amount to split!!!! There are potlucks, campfires with stories, music around the campfire, etc. it all sounds like soooo much fun!!! I can hardly contain myself and wait until the day we leave.
The wanderlust bug has bitten us....
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