Monday, March 30, 2015

3 more weeks!!

Yep, only 3 more weeks until we hit the road! Hard to believe this is actually happening here as we have talked, planned, dreamed it for sooooo long! We were gonna do this 8 yrs. ago which is why we bought the 5th wheel, but then gas prices shot thru the roof and his dad needed we been sitting here. It is ezy to get complacent ya know?! Very apprehensive but sooo excited at the same going wayyyy outside my comfort zone here and I am positive it is just what I need!! Ol' Charlie dog is another story....he loves his rides in the truck and he lets you know when he has to go too lol. We took off the tailgate on the truck and put on one of those tailgate cargo nets and it is so much easier for him to jump up in there and finally after almost 5 yrs., he is learning to mind us ahahaha!! Have made lists of stuff to move out to the camper, but can't do most of it until the day before or the morning before we leave! Hell I am having trouble deciding weather to take the crock pot or not lolol! Last week we had to wasp proof the new camper, so it is little things like that that most people don't think of the need to do, kwim? It is very different living in something like this and we have to be on top of the weather, winds, insects, maintenance and stuff like that, but it doesn't take long to clean it and I like that!! Anywho just thought I would give ya'll an update...thx so much for listening! Blessings......

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