Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A Month Later!

So we have been here in Stanton for a month now....sure seems longer. It is like we have been here forever, our life in OK been forgotten. Tho we do hear the flooding, etc is awful there and I am sooo glad I am NOT there what with all the skeeters and shit! AZ seems to be missing those little critters, thank goodness. 

Boondocking isn't that bad, one just has to be extra careful of the resources one uses like I said before. We run the generator about 4 hrs./day to charge up our electronics and battery on the camper and quiet time is from like 10-7 at night, so nothing is going at night and it is soooooo quiet!!! At only $1/day, we can handle it hehehe. 

As for finding and getting ALL that gold everyone talks about? Well alot of that seems to be missing as acres and acres have been dug and panned for years. Between the non-true reality shows and the other supposed gold shows on the boob tube and all the organizations....this person feels the whole "hobby" is misleading in one way or another! So many buy into the hype and think they are gonna strike it rich and can make a living doing this...lemme tell ya....unless you are able to move tons of dirt daily and have a shitload of machines to won't be making a living at it! One may hit a good strike or a vein...but there is soooo much land to cover and one has to know how to read the land and how does one do that?? It takes years...not months or days. Some we have met have been doing this for 15-20+ years and they don't have a pot to piss in and they don't care, cuz it has become such a way of life for them, that going back into the corporate world is not an option. One has to admire those kind of folk really...I do and I have a great amount of respect for them to get up day after day, go out dig, run the machines blah blah is hardass work and all for a possible flake of gold, if one is lucky enough to find a flake, most is like a grain of sand that we have seen and finer....what they call powder gold! So there is a small lesson for y'all! 

As for our lesson....we have learned it isn't fast and the 2 buckets a day we do probably won't be enough to make us rich! But what we have learned is patience, perseverance, persistence and we have a peace in our hearts and souls that we thought we'd never find and THAT my dear friends is priceless to us!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I kinda figured it would prove to be more difficult to make good money at it than they make it sound! BUT, the important thing is that you guys have what you need and you are happy with peace and love in your hearts!! Love ya sister-friend!! :D
