Saturday, April 25, 2015

Last Leg of the Journey...for now anyway!!

Well we were on the road by 7:45 am and once hubby started that truck, ol' Charlie dog was keepin a good eye on what he was doing cuz heaven forbid we go without him! He has been wonderful thru this whole trip, he loves to ride!! Our next obstacle is Tucson and over some more mtns.

Another one of those billboards that made me split a gut laughing was....Synthetic grass in Tucson...LOL! It wasn't the synthetic grass part, it was the fact there was a store for it hahahaa!!

So we ran into some short showers outside of Tucson, but not bad enough where we had to stop -- we keep on truckin our way to Phoenix which is our next big hurdle. With over a million people living there, I can't imagine the traffic, but first a pit stop at Pichacho Peak for gas -- such beautiful mtns!! Browsed thru the gift shop, now that was fun...wooohoo....a tie dyed shirt for me and a sarape for hubby! They decorate their bridges & overpasses with art, it is truely beautiful!! 

Ahhhh the hustle & bustle of Phoenix, during lunchtime no less with some brief showers. Made for tricky driving, but hubby got us thru. To the north of Phoenix lay a whole agriculture area, not sure what was planted in those green fields, but one would never think of Phoenix as being an agricultural area and the palm trees, you would think we had gone all the way into LA!

So now onto Wickenberg, Congress and then finally Stanton. That last part was tricky, especially the rain showers and a brief downpour as Charlie got a bath and blow dry in the back lol. We had to go on some back roads & 2 lane hwys. from there and then finally a 5 mile dirt road to get to the final destination! Pulled in about 1:00 and got everything set up, walked Charlie, then we went exploring, din din, dishes and I am beat. I stayed here to putz while hubby went to town to see what kind of trouble he could get in!

 I applaud hubby for getting us here with his expertise driving!! Thank you honey! We were so blessed during this whole issues with the truck or camper, gas didn't cost as much as we thought and it seems since we hit AZ time is going slower and our gas mileage got better, so go figure....blessings to all!

Thursday, April 23, 2015


So I have been thinking alot about what to write on this blog and most of it came to me in the dark early hours just before sunrise. It gets light early here and the days seem longer, the sun seems hotter, but the cool breezes and lack of humidity make it for peefect weather, I think!! But this 2 hr. time difference is really screwing with my brain here LOLOL. 

Over the past 3 days, we traveled approx. 1,000 to me that is alot, but to my hubby, an ex-trucker, that ain't nuttin!! So I have to keep reminding him this is not business, this is pleasure :) I watched the terrain change from the permabasin area in TX to El Paso to New Mexico, then finally Arizona.

As we were going thru Odessa & Midland TX, I got a history lesson from hubby as he used to haul in that area. As far as they eye could see nothing but oil wells, storage tanks, refineries and the rape of Mother Earth...all in the name of progress. I was told this permabasin was one of the richest oil deposits ever found in the U.S.A. and it was going on even before Saudi ever thought about the oil biz! His dad helped to build that interstate 20 down there we were on when he was a youngen and that is how he learned to drive a truck! Of course as we were driving thru, hubby was amazed at how much it had grown in the last couple decades. Now southwest TX was mosty beautiful because of the Guadalupe mountain range which went on forever and ever!! We needed gas bad so we took this one exit, not knowing how far up a hill we would have to go to get there....whew! But the view...omg mtns as far as the eye could see!!! Then we got to Socorro, which is like right next door to El Paso and camped for the night! So much traffic at night and so many night lights! Now remember, I am used to a quiet small town! So the drive thru El Paso was a nightmare to say the least....hubby did a fantastic job!! There is not enough money in the world for me to drive thru that madhouse of a city and these people do it on a daily basis...not this chickeepoo!! So many house slammed together into the bottom of the mtns, was just unbelievable & like I said the rio grande to the left, then Mexico which to me looked just like some more of El Paso...ha!! 

As we go into New Mexico, there seems to be a sudden change in the air and in the way we feel and of course there was that beautiful travel stop!! I could see why they call it the land of enchantment. I immediately fell in love with the architecture, the colors and of course the mtns! Had I been there in a past life? Alot of flat land as well and small settlements as I called them just out in the middle of the desert. I also got my first ever border patrol inspection, now that was a treat in itself! There didn't seem to be as much destruction to Mother Earth here! Lots and lots of longass trains tho!! I, for one, did not think you could grow much of anything in the desert cept cacti, mesquite trees, sagebrush, etc...but lo & behold we came upon groves and groves of vinyards, pecan trees, walnut & almond trees!!!!! Who woulda thunk it?! 

Our trip thru NM was quick as we drove on into Arizona! Again, the air changed and we both just did one of those longass sighs...aaaahhhhhhhh!! Onto Willcox where we had decided to stay a couple days! There is no grass here and Charlie dog is having issues with that lolol! This rv pk is really nice and all covered with the rock people and the cypress trees omg they are just beautiful!! Again with the adobe style architecture. Took a little drive around to sight see the town and well that didn't last long lol! Our down time seems to be draggin what with not much to do, we don't wanna drive too far to explore, so just hangin out here at the rv pk. I did some laundry and the housewifey stuff and we are just enjoying the awesome temps and the peace & quiet, well except for the traffic! 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Finally In Arizona.....

Got up early and hitailed it outta El Paso as quickly as possible before 6:30 am!! I have never seen the likes of all the people!! OMG!! People's homes built into the mtns, to the left Mexico and even had a border patrol

OMG I have to tell you about the billboard I saw in Deming, NM smack dab in the read " Who Is Jesus?" then under it sez call 855-for-jesus!! Isn't that a hoot?! LOLOL

When we got into New Mexico, we stopped at the welcome center and I posted those pics already, it was beautiful!! I thought the mtns of southern TX were magickal until we hit New Mexico....there is something enchanting about it for sure. Not as desolate as I thought tho. Then on into Arizona and the mtns...everywhere!! As we traveled the tension & stress just left our bodies and just enjoying the scenery. 

Since weather is a factor the next couple days, we decided to stop at Willcox at an RV Pk. called 'The Magic Circle' ain't that a kick in the pants?!?! Gonna relax for a couple days, play, breathe and enjoy then head on up to Stanton as we figured we can make it up there on Fri.!!! That gives hubby time to really check it out and dig him up some gold....hehehehe!! 

Later all.....thanks for following us on our trip...we are having such a blast!! 

Trying hard to get out of Texas lolol

We sure slept good last night...whew!! But was still up at 6AM, had our java java and was on the road by 8:30. Trying to decide which way is best to get thru that bitch of a city El Paso! Poor Charlie dog didn't even wanna go out first thing this morning, he is still sleeping on his blankie. He doesn't do well with a change in routine, but I sure do!!

Driving thru SW. TX was a very magickal experience for me....the mtns are wonderous & as we passed by one, it seemed she spoke to me, she was beautiful!! Unfortunately I couldn't get a pic of that special mtn., but I did get pics of others that I posted. We came to this really nice rest stop....very clean & big, just east of Pecos. Started seeing border patrol everywhere and I saw a sign on the highway that made me roll with laughter....Prison Area. Do NOT pick up hitchikers. I thought that was sooo funny and only one sign too!

Hot sun, long drive and then the task of finding an rv pk for the night. Outside El Paso, we finally found a place after wrong directions and getting lost...but all set up now and I put charlie in the camper where it was cooling down and he fell fast asleep lol. Now this RV Pk. is uptown!! Kinda higher priced than we wanted to pay, but we had no choice. Needed a place to stop so we can hit El Paso first thing in the morning so we can miss the traffic!! That is the plan for now anyway!!

For now, din din and a walk up to the pool area to get hooked up to wifi so I can say howdy to my fb buds and publish my blog. That's all for now....blessings!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

1st beautiful day.....

Well we left at about 10:15 am...was hoping to leave earlier, but it didn't happen that way and that is okeedokee with me, have to double & triple check when one is traveling this far with their home!

Beautiful weather for traveling -- warm, sunny, but cool breezes!! Whichita Falls, TX was our first pit stop after an hour on the road. Stopped under a shaded gas pump to get gas and grab a quick bite to eat, get Charlie some water and walk him in Throckmorton, TX. Then on to Abilene, Sweetwater and Big Springs!

So after a few pit stops for Charlie dog, he finally gave up, laid down & rested a bit. He was sooo excited tho, so afraid he would miss something lol. Longest RIDE ever for him and we are only 1/4 of the way there. Tomorrow, we will latch him up a bit tighter-- made us very nervous the way we kept going to the back of the bed of the pick-up, especially since we don't have a tailgate per say, we have one of those cargo net thingis, so it wouldn't take much for there to be a terrible accident!! 

So after too many hours of driving, we finally decided to stop at this RV park in Big Springs...."Whip It In" RV Pk. lolol I know funny name eh?!?! Awesome people, lots of amenities....cable lol wow.....108 channels and not one thing worth watching hahaha....we have what 6 at the house?! But I am unable to get online dangit!! Oh well. So I fixed us a small din din, relaxed a bit, then took Charlie dog for a walk...poor guy is exhausted....we wore him out, he didn't get his usual 18 hrs. of sleep today lolol.

So up early in da morn, coffee then pack it all up again & hit the road...woohoo!! Starting out to be quite an adventure! Saw lots of wind farms, mesquite trees, mesas and alot of damn traffic haha!! Later gaters....blessings to allπŸ’₯❤️πŸŒ…πŸŒŸ

Monday, April 13, 2015

7 days & counting!!!

Well here it is, only a week away from us taking off...woohoo!!! Although I do hope & pray the rains won't overtake us here as it's supposed to rain off & on all week. Long as we can get out on Monday, that's all that matters. Most of the outside work, etc. is done as well. Only moving stuff from our house & the other bldg. that we live in half the time & store stuff in is all we have to do now. Hubby might have to work o.t. this week which really sux, but that would mean him going in on Thurs., but he's off on Sunday & for the next month! Cleaned out cabinets, etc. this past weekend & slowly getting the food thing lined up. You don't wanna take too much for the road, yet enough so one doesn't get too hungry on their way out since we aren't big on eating out!! Most of the moving stuff over we won't be able to do until Sunday or right before we leave anyway, you all know how that is when you pack for a trip??!! We are headed to south TX going thru El Paso into Deming, NM, then on over to AZ! Probably won't be able to sleep a wink on Sunday night hehehe!!!!! So we shall see how all this wet weather plays out....cuz my next installment will be with us on da road!!!! Blessings & peace....♥♥♥

Monday, April 6, 2015

Tick Tock....

Time is getting closer & closer...2 more weeks!!! I can hardly believe it! Soooo this week, we have to hook up the camper & take it into town to get new tires on it. Hubby decided it was best since one of them looked bad & he could see the cords! Best to do all 4 at once too! This way as with everything else we have done, WE will know when it's been done as I have started a maintenance list for us, which is best since I am getting old LOL and can't remember all of it!

We are giving ourselves a week to get out there...7 only 200 miles/day, we still have plenty of time to gander & look!! I won't be able to do my blog while on the road, cuz I just might miss something...hehehe!!! Next week is gonna be really busy, tending to last minute stuff, cuz hubby is working on Fri & Sat, he only has the Sunday before we leave off. Sooo excited, can't wait to hit da road...later y'all!!!!