Monday, April 13, 2015

7 days & counting!!!

Well here it is, only a week away from us taking off...woohoo!!! Although I do hope & pray the rains won't overtake us here as it's supposed to rain off & on all week. Long as we can get out on Monday, that's all that matters. Most of the outside work, etc. is done as well. Only moving stuff from our house & the other bldg. that we live in half the time & store stuff in is all we have to do now. Hubby might have to work o.t. this week which really sux, but that would mean him going in on Thurs., but he's off on Sunday & for the next month! Cleaned out cabinets, etc. this past weekend & slowly getting the food thing lined up. You don't wanna take too much for the road, yet enough so one doesn't get too hungry on their way out since we aren't big on eating out!! Most of the moving stuff over we won't be able to do until Sunday or right before we leave anyway, you all know how that is when you pack for a trip??!! We are headed to south TX going thru El Paso into Deming, NM, then on over to AZ! Probably won't be able to sleep a wink on Sunday night hehehe!!!!! So we shall see how all this wet weather plays out....cuz my next installment will be with us on da road!!!! Blessings & peace....♥♥♥

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